Optech Microscope Services Ltd
Specialists in servicing and maintenance of Microscopes and Mircotomes from all manufacturers within all microscopy environments.
Sales of microscopes and microscope accessories including LED fluorescence units, camera systems, illuminators, microscope bulbs/lamps and second-hand microscopes along with many other accessories.
We offer our customers a reliable, high quality service at competitive rates from one off visits to multi-year contracts.
Specialists in the service and repair of compound, Inverted and Stereomicroscopes and Microtomes of all makes including: – Meiji Techno, Olympus, Nikon, Leica, Leitz, Zeiss, Kyowa, Wild, Vickers, Microm, Shandon, Thermo Fisher Scientific.
Specialist markets catered for include: – Asbestos Industry, Veterinary Science, Biological Science, Medical Science, Metallurgical Microscopy and Education.
Optech Microscope Services Limited
The Sanderum Centre
30A Upper High Street
Tel: +44(0) 1844 210681
Email: enquiries@optechmicroscopes.co.uk